Friday, June 3, 2016


Everyone at least has a pair of denim jeans in their closet...what's so cool is having a jean thats under or over sized and turning it into a functional bag for yourself!!!! You can even add  some Ankara fabric pieces to it and we could make out a neckpiece; earrings...or even a patchwork bag for you. What I love about my job is that the possibilities are so so endless.
What can I say.....#ilovemyjob

Friday, March 18, 2016

recycled projects (neckpieces and earrings)

As Nigerians with ahuge population we do churn out a lot of waste daily.Go to parties and see the rubber bottles;Pieces of fabrics from the tailor....I could go on and on.
With our huge population, we need to begin to think and I mean think well.How do we use these waste profitability? As a craftsperson my recent project is to turn waste into wealth and save the environment.We could also look at it as adding our voice to creating a green environment.....
We recently realised that we could pick pieces of leather in the market which are sold as scraps and pick cast off materials from tailors....I made amazing neckpieces from them with matching earrings